My, How Things Change!

Twenty-eight years ago two parents bought a tenor saxophone on credit for their son who was in the seventh grade.  He wanted to learn to play for selfish reasons:  some of his favorite songs featured a tenor sax solo, he dreamed of playing and all the women swooning, etc.,  

Somewhere between then and today this young boy realized that when surrendering his life to Christ for a life of service; he did not surrender his dreams.  Once he surrendered everything then God began to change the direction this young man's life was headed.

Today he, his wife, and three children are serving as independent Baptist missionaries in the country of Croatia.  Today the saxophone was used to play Amazing Grace at a funeral where a clear gospel message was presented to more than two hundred people.  Many of which had never heard that salvation is a free gift in Jesus Christ.  

His grace truly is amazing; especially to this young man who used to think more selfishly.  If only I could be even less selfish how much more His grace would abound.  "He must increase, but I must decrease."        John 3:30

Team Missions

On Saturday I was able to take Erin, Ally, and Noah with me to the city center to help me be a witness.  It was not an easy day because so many were not receptive to the tracts that we offered or interested in talking with me.  However, there was one young man who stopped and talked with me for nearly twenty minutes.

His name was Vlado and he had many questions.  Very slowly and methodically we talked through the gospel in English.  He did his best to ask his questions using the English that he knew.  Like many, he was not ready to trust Christ as Savior; but we have not given up hope.

He recognized that all men are sinners; even admitting that each man must make a decision to right or wrong.  His trouble was accepting that Jesus Christ had come to die for our sin.  He thought that salvation was more a personal decision to do what was right only.  The good news in all of this:  He is interested in learning more about Jesus Christ and studying the Bible.  Please pray that he will come to church and listen to the Holy Spirit with an open heart.

Mixed Emotions

Today we had students from our last English class to visit in our home.  One of them had just returned from a visit to Canada.  We talked about some of his experiences there but soon the conversation opened up for me to share the gospel along with my personal testimony.  All three listened carefully and intently, asked questions, expressed agreements, even sharing their thoughts.  However, there were no decisions for Christ tonight; or at least publicly.  So now we wait.

This always proves to be difficult.  There are always questions:  was it clear enough, did I say too much, will we be able to talk again?  So join me in prayer that the Truth of scripture shared will penetrate their hearts, the Holy Spirit will help them understand, for the door to remain open for us to speak again, and for each of them to trust Christ as Savior before it is eternally too late.

A Prayer for Direction

In March we were able to take a survey trip to Rijeka.  The closest port city to where we now live and work.  We drove on to the ancient city of Pula where we saw the awesome site of this coliseum.  It was a stark reminder of what this land has experienced.  A place where Christians were tortured for their faith.  Men and women who had to decide if they would renounce their faith in Christ as Lord and Savior or die.  Honestly, I don't think that my children understood where they were standing that day.  Nor could they grasp what had taken place or that we could have been facing our death had we lived at an earlier time.  But Kristina and I did.

The gospel message has been suppressed in this part of the world for almost 2000 years.  Today there is religious liberty to preach the Truth but sadly, there are still many cities and villages without a true gospel witness.  We sense the moving of the Spirit in our hearts to take what we have learned the last two years and move to a new city - possibly Rijeka.  We need the divine direction of the Spirit.  We could go anywhere but we want to go where He wants us.  Please pray that the direction we should follow be clear.  Ask also that hearts will be open to the Truth as we strive to faithfully proclaim:  "For whosever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." (Romans 10:13)

We have finally updated our family photo.  With special thanks to Tori Leslie for her professionalism and time that she used to help us.  If you would like a digital copy for your self just let me know.  You can email us or call.

It is always exciting when the Holy Spirit brings people to us!  On Monday the doorbell rang and I knew right away that it was someone whom I 've never met.  All of the kids rushed to the door wondering who it might be.  The man began talking very excitedly about a tree in our front yard.  After a brief explanation that I was learning Croatian to please speak more slowly most of what he said was very clear.
He wanted to return in two weeks to cut small branches from our tree to graft into his tree which had died.  Thank the Lord I know enough that he will not hurt the tree which belongs to our landlord and I will have a beautiful opportunity to present the gospel to him.  I used as much Croatian as I could; he could understand enough English to confirm that I really did understand what he was asking.

Please pray for Slatko and his salvation.  Lord willing I will be blogging in two weeks with the results of the Holy Spirit working in both of our lives.

Waiting for the Moving of the Spirit

Is it possible that someone could know all of the Truth necessary to be saved and still go to hell?  Yes, sadly this is what has frustrated me somewhat but leaves me waiting for the Spirit of God to work.

A man who has attended our English classes and even visited a church service is very knowledgeable of the Bible.  He has many times quoted scripture while we were drinking coffee.  So why does he chose to not believe that Jesus died for his sin and trust Him as Savior?  Perhaps he cannot forgive the Catholic church for lying and hiding so much corruption.  Or, he has just heard so much false teaching that he is unsure as to what is Truth.  Either way, he is still lost today and very much in need of making a decision to believe in Christ.

So I share this with you today because I cannot make him chose.  The choice is his to make.  I have done my part to tell him and live as an example for him.  Now I am praying that he will realize that the Bible is the True account of God's Word.  Will you please pray with me.  He is so close that it is difficult to wait for the Holy Spirit to speak to his heart.  Yet, I must wait as well as be ready to answer with meekness and fear when he asks for the reason of my hope (I Peter 3:15).

It has been my experience that most people do not trust Christ as Savior the very first time the gospel is presented to them.  For this purpose I seek to establish relationships with the people with whom I share the gospel so that I can keep it before them both in word and in action.  It requires me to be willing to share the gospel at every opportunity but also doing so with love and compassion.  I believe that it is the Word of God that will convict a sinner yet reveal to him the hope of redemption in Christ.  Faithfully presenting the gospel and teaching repentance from sin is my calling.  Please pray for my faithfulness and consistency.  Thank you.

Daily Soul-Winning

This week I am soul-winning everyday with a team of men in Varazdin.  Yesterday and today I was out with them for 2 1/2 hours working very earnestly to share the gospel with someone personally.  Sometimes it is easier to just put a tract in their hand and pray they read it.  This is not enough for what God has called my family here to do.  Therefore, while we are out in the park this week I will be attempting to begin a conversation to make people stop and ponder biblical truth.
Monday was difficult because it rained all morning.  There were people who would take a tract.  Some did stop to talk for a bit.  However, only 1 person was led to the Lord.
Today was different.  I was able to share the gospel five times in English with five different people.  All five were needing to get to work or class but gladly received the tract and would be contemplating the gospel in a more personal way.
The total count of confessions of faith from everyone involved:  twenty-six.  Please continue to pray with us that more would be saved.  Pray that each one will respond to our invitation to church and begin to grow spiritually as we work to disciple them.  I cannot say that I have led someone to the Lord in the last two days.  However, I am still working at it trusting God will bless.
Thanks for your prayers.

Praising Him

Well, my wife tells me that we have had a lot of people viewing my blog lately.  Guess I underestimated the amount of interest in our ministry here in Croatia.  So, now I must be more regular at posting what God is doing  through our lives and ministry.

I would like to devote this post to Praise.  Today I begin preparing for our first furlough and have been reflecting over the past year and a half.  While we were presenting our burden for Croatia I never imagined how far our ministry would reach.  I have had the opportunity to share gospel tracts in Budapest, Hungary.  I have preached the gospel in Cakovec and Varazdin, Croatia as well as in Graz, Austria.  We have interacted with people from Finland, Kosovo, Mexico, Romania, Serbia, and Slovenia.  Much of our opportunities have been because of help from other missionaries like:  Curt Brown, Scott Holcomb, Johnny Leslie, and Sam Ward. A coordination of effort that God alone could orchestrate.

In addition to these wonderful praises we have had churches to respond to a financial need to help us survive the winter.  God has proven that we have a faithful sending church and Pastor in Dr Tony Kohout Jr and Buford Road Baptist Church.  He has also shown how He can provide for our needs in His perfect timing.  In a time of economic crisis we had lost $200 of monthly support but just this month we have gained $200 in new support.

So what does this mean?  God has a plan for the Brown family and it is not finished but only beginning.  And you reading this blog means that you are a part of what God is doing.  Thank you sincerely for your interest in the work here, your prayer support, and your financial sacrifice (if God should lead).  "I will praise thee, O LORD, with my whole heart; I will shew forth all thy marvellous works." Psalm 9:1