Knowing Christ as Savior for most of my life, I must confess that I had taken my relationship with God for granted. Truthfully I did not realize the extent of God's mercy and grace until He gave me children of my own. Now a father it became clear that for me to have a loving relationship with my children I would have to show them mercy, grace, and justice (on a daily basis).
Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need(Hebrews 4:16). Therefore my children are a constant reminder to me of how much God really does love me. He has been far more gracious and merciful to me than I deserve!
It was through another missionary that God brought Croatia to our attention. We had learned of other missionaries who had gone to Croatia but were unable to stay. A country of nearly 5 million people that profess to be Christian yet trusting in good works to obtain heaven rather than the Lord Jesus Christ. While Kristina and I were praying about where God would have us to go He spoke to me through Jonah 4:2.
If God would be merciful and gracious to Jonah (a disobedient servant), to the city of Nineveh, and to me; then He would most definitely want the same for Croatia! Would you please prayerfully consider how God would have you share in our burden? You can pray for us to raise our support quickly enabling us to go and preach the gospel and pray for the salvation of Croatia. You can also give financially by faith so that we might bare fruit to your account. Or you too can surrender your life so that Croats can experience God's mercy and grace the same as you and I.