Team Missions

On Saturday I was able to take Erin, Ally, and Noah with me to the city center to help me be a witness.  It was not an easy day because so many were not receptive to the tracts that we offered or interested in talking with me.  However, there was one young man who stopped and talked with me for nearly twenty minutes.

His name was Vlado and he had many questions.  Very slowly and methodically we talked through the gospel in English.  He did his best to ask his questions using the English that he knew.  Like many, he was not ready to trust Christ as Savior; but we have not given up hope.

He recognized that all men are sinners; even admitting that each man must make a decision to right or wrong.  His trouble was accepting that Jesus Christ had come to die for our sin.  He thought that salvation was more a personal decision to do what was right only.  The good news in all of this:  He is interested in learning more about Jesus Christ and studying the Bible.  Please pray that he will come to church and listen to the Holy Spirit with an open heart.